New Moon Café – STANDING edition

$18 per session or subscribe for $13/month.

You’re warmly invited to my monthly moon circle as we consider the themes of the moment.

The New Moon Café is a virtual workshop and psychic waystation that reveals the magical tasks for the month ahead.

We’ll enter the dream-of-now with a blend of meditation, writing, and other creative prompts to unlock your personal imagery and inner guidance. ⁠⁠

Magical Briefing and Deep Imagination Session
You’re warmly invited to my monthly moon circle as we consider the themes of the moment.

The New Moon Café is a virtual workshop and psychic waystation that reveals the magical tasks for the month ahead. We’ll enter the dream-of-now with a blend of meditation, writing, and other creative prompts to unlock your personal imagery and inner guidance. ⁠

You can join in person via Zoom from 10:30 am - 11:00 am Pacific, or you can just sign up to receive the recording. Whether in-person or by replay, the Café is the perfect quiet spot for enjoying a cup of tea with your magical journal and favorite pen(s).

Using the Dreamfruit Almanac* and your own creative intelligence to lead the way, a visit to the Café shines a light on your personal path through the lunar themes of the month.


Attending the New Moon Café in person gives you access to the Dreamfruit Jam that follows our official call. The Jam is a fun, free and easy "open studio" with community.

This is an opportune time to work in your Dreamfruit -- alone together -- identifying your Magical Ally, planting a dream-seed, and reflecting on your guiding questions for the month ahead. Each month I will share a timely technique or highlight a specific feature to inspire your Dreamfruit journey.

The Jam is also our chance to peek inside the pages and get inspired. Bring your Dreamfruit for a "see & share" of favorite pages, pens, techniques, washi & other journaling supplies. There may be time for Q & A at the end in case you have any curiosities about the world of Dreamfruit, its dreams, or specific features of the book.

Everyone is welcome whether you are already a Dreamfruit Traveler or are just Dreamfruit-curious.

monthly moon circle

Discover The New Moon Cafe!