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“The imagination is not only holy, it is precise / it is not only fierce, it is practical / men die everyday for the lack of it, it is vast & elegant…” –Diane di Prima

The guest list for the Blue Dragon Ball is taking shape, and I can already see that we are in for an amazing evening. There are still tickets available, for exactly fifty of us all together.
This is our rare & golden invitation to play and create together. Dreaming it up has been an inspiring blend of dipping into my personal well along with a bounty of synergistic moments with friends and co-makers.
It’s hard to say what will take place. I am pretty sure that you can expect an evening that will feed your imagination and welcome your most delighted expression. Really, a night in Space with a blue dragon, pop-up unicorns, clowns and art-games?? What more could we ask as we pass through the gate into the dreaming season?
If I were honest, I would tell you that the Blue Dragon Ball has at least three purposes – an inner purpose, an outer purpose, and a hidden purpose. Perhaps the inner purpose is to finally wear that amazing gown waiting patiently for its hour of glory. And perhaps the outer purpose is to celebrate three years of enchanted time in Space and the remarkable allies (human and non-human) who have shared the journey.
The hidden purpose is a curious thing. It is always there, and often changing. What I am aware of is that this very special night is devoted to stirring your imagination and feeding your dream-bank. With each new layer of planning for the Ball, it becomes clear that we will be entering a world that wants us to can play & create on our terms. Beyond the dreamgate, we are called into a way of being that deepens our capacity to imagine and express.
These are the ways we return, with the friends & allies who call us back to our birthright as genuine and expressive humans. We are brewing some excellent access points to your personal Imaginarium. All you have to do is to step through the gate.