Lunar Council - Dreamfruit Travelers

Lunar Council is a listening and sharing circle for Dreamfruit Travelers.
This is our time to gather in our magical (virtual) living room to check in, share notes from the field, and gather insights from one another.

Upcoming Events: October 26th | November 23rd

Attendance starts at a $7 minimum, embracing a 'pay your own price' model. You are invited to contribute what feels right for you above the minimum, allowing for the continuation of offering these nurturing spaces. You may also choose a monthly subscription or pay the suggested $20 which, at this time, most accurately reflects the true cost of providing this service.

Welcome to a Sacred Space for listening and speaking from the heart.

You’ll enter the circle with other fellow travelers, where we each bring our own deep listening and crowdsource the dream-of-now through heartful presence.⁠

This is a virtual event, so you can join from your favorite quiet spot with a cup of tea, your magical journal, and favorite pen(s).

Dreamfruit Travelers are gathering at the waystation
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We gather with each lunar cycle to remember that we are held within the Circle of the World. We each have our own unique reasons for sitting in Council, but we have the shared purpose of reconnecting with heart of Gaia, to grow our earthling-nature.
Thank you for entering the magic circle with me.

Note: This call allows us to sit together in real time and will not be recorded. If you can't make it in person, feel free to send a message along with anything you would like to share, and we will happily bring it to the circle on your behalf.

join us for a virtual event!

Lunar Council - Dreamfruit Travelers