Dreamfruit Lunar Almanac for Earthlings 2024 PAPERBACK


an ecopunk travel guide and
companion on your journey towards
radical belonging in 2024

Cleverly disguised as a lunar calendar, personal planner, and guided journal, the Dreamfruit Lunar Almanac is also a magical moon book on a mission to activate your creative responses to the changes and challenges of our time.

As a moon-based planner, Dreamfruit provides a comprehensive calendar for the 13 lunar months of 2024, and is packed with astrological information including the moon’s phases and movements through the signs day to day, and planetary movements throughout the year.

Dreamfruit is also an unfolding story told in thirteen enchanted chapters, one moon at a time, revealing a symbolic map to guide you through a year of deepening your relationship with our Living Earth and Cosmos. It reconnects you with magic on a mythic quest back into your Earthling nature.

As a guided journal, Dreamfruit provides creative prompts & monthly rituals with plenty of space for you to write, muse, and draw. Each month or lunar cycle begins with a dream that highlights the unique themes and energies for that month. These dreams collect moon by moon like pearls on a string to create the story of the year, one chapter at a time.

There is no question that 2024 will bring a Dreamfruit story that you will love stepping into. It is a journey of community, nature and heart. There will be truth-telling and fellowship. And sometime in the spring of next year an entirely new ground arises . . . perhaps a common ground where we Earthlings can come together for a greater good.

Dreamfruit Lunar Almanac for Earthlings 2024

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